Posts tagged #DIEP

Healing process with a splash of Pink OUT

I have been posting here about birthdays and celebrations and then writing so many posts for Cure Diva that I haven't really talked here about the healing from the DIEP. It has been 3 months and it is coming along, SLOWLY. I guess I had it in my head (remember its scary there) that it would be faster but as my doctor pointed out it was a 10 hour surgery and if he could take a picture of me being split in half he would. I wish he did! Let us start at the top of the healing process shall we.

My new toobs are great just great. They feel real, l look just like how I wanted and they have gone down in swelling-much to Tom's sadness. HOWEVER, I burned one. Yes you heard it here I burned a toob. See there is no feeling there so while cooking and being 4 feet barely 11 inches my chest hits that stir fry just right. Add the fact I was cooking in a tank and BAM burn. Now here is the gross part, I didn't feel it and the next morning I was in the shower and literally pulled the blister off. I thought it was shower gel. I called the doc who asked for a pic to be texted but said to not worry it happens all the time, seriously??? I sent a pic and he called me 45 minutes later asking if i was putting my make up on before I sent it, ummmm I did send the wrong number!!! I can't make this stuff up really that poor person. It did get infected so I was on yet another round of antibiotics. All is healing now with the exception to yet another scar. I go back to the doctor next week.  I am getting bad keloids again and we need to address that.

I talked about the pain in my arm right?? Well I have developed cording, also known as Axillary Web Syndrome.   Not going to lie it hurts! It is tight and feel like someone is pulling the nerves. Luckily I am doing stretches and getting PT to ease in this and it has definitely helped. But please keep it in mind if you feel like something is wrong, make sure you are doing your wall climbs and really stretching. These chest muscle have been through the wringer.


As for my abs, well they still are so sore. I have trouble sitting up from laying down. I have not warn jeans in 3 months which may seem fabulous but I am dying to get out of leggings. The right side is still swollen where the drains were but that is normal. All and all I am healing great just becoming impatient, never been great at that. I have been back to the gym and cycling with my favorite instructors and doing a little weights. When I go back next week I am hoping he oks me to kick it up. I really miss my fit body and can not wait to regain it.

While I have been healing we had the second Annual "Pink Out" at Rain Lounge. It was as always amazingly fun. We raised $3000 with the help of a photo booth, raffles and ticket sales. All money raised went to Cancer Connects and Personal P.Ink and I could not be more proud! I can not thank Duke who owns the bar enough for bringing Miss Darienne Lake, Aggy Dune, Mrs. Kasha Davis and Samantha Vega to the stage. The night was filled with laughter, smiles and phenomenal energy all to raise awareness for cancer, who said a fund raiser can't be fun?? Healing through laughter with family, friends and the fabulous queens, whoot whoot.


 I do feel a little bad for my father, as my brother upstaged him and danced the last dance with Samantha! I am just thrilled my tiara stayed shiny.