Filler up

Went today for my follow up check and everything looks good. Healing is coming along nicely, too bad it still looks like a patch work to me, but the doctor knows best. I have some air pockets,but  there isn't fluid build up any more! I decided to get the first fill next Friday, unleaded or desiel? I am nervous yet thrilled the process is coming along and the final results will be in. I may get one more fill before the healing of the scars and tissue begins. We scheduled the surgery for November 9, I have a very important holiday party on December 1st and NEED to get the right dress for! I hope to show the girls off in a fabbbbbbuuuuuulllloooouuusssss dress and my surgery heels!
So on a very important part of this visit, I got cleared to add some weights to my work out and kick it back into gear! This could not be better timing because my weight bitch is back today, that is MC FYI. Come Sunday morning I get to get back to class. Yipppppeeeeeeee!!!! Ok, so she did say 3 or 5 pounds only and bitch push ups only but still this makes me so happy like over the top excited. Not working out has directly affected my mood, you are just one work out away from a good mood, so I am like 500 behind. I just want my fucking body back, granted it is the updated remodeled version but it's my body.
Tomorrow is the great NYS Fair. And anyone who knows me- I mean anyone- knows that opening day is my favorite day. As a little girl my grandma and I would go have breakfast and wait until the buildings open. "If it's free, it's for me" was her favorite saying, my Sammy boy now says it the whole day. We went to the fair every single day, literally, even if it was just for dinner. We went when it opened and stayed until it closed. I worked there all through high school and loved every minute of it.  I am so happy I do not have to miss opening day. If you ever get lost anywhere at the fair just call me I know every short cut there is. So tomorrow if you are trying to get ahold of me, don't stress that I am not getting back to you right away, remember I will be looking at the cows, love them, checking out the chickens, why are they near the chicken dinner restaurants?, holding chicks in 4H with my boys, and eating....ahhhhh eating! Deep fried pickles, deep fried snickers, deep fried Oreos, deep fried Mac n cheese, corn on the cob, wine slushies, AND PIZZA FRITTE only at the Villa only!! Oh and the butter sculpture......oh wait and the sand much to see and do, sooooooo excited!

Posted on August 22, 2012 .