Being PINK is fabulous, but do it actively. You do not have to go to far to be active in the fight against Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer. Join the Race for the Cure, help a friend with breast cancer get to a treatment, get a better understanding how deeply this disease effects us. I wear pink because I am fighting for the cause and I am proud to be surviving the battle! My girlfriends wear it because they are helping, supporting, and understanding it so much more. My cousins got inked because they do not want to forget how hard this battle is. My kids, my girlfriends kids, my little cousins, all rock the pink because they are our
HOPE for a
CURE!!! Support breast cancer awareness by being active, by understanding the depth of it, by being there for a friend, by joining CURE OR BUST!!! Wear the pink is being the ribbon. Don't you think a pink stiletto is more powerful that a ribbon, just saying??? Maybe they should change it.....