OK, OK, OK, everyone CHILLLLLL. Yes, the response has been through the roof. Yes, Deb Pascale laughed when I told her I could get 250 in there. Yes, it will all work out. This is support and awareness at its best. This is a community reaching out to support and help each other, nothing to shame there. The show is set  and going to be very emotional for everyone. I can not thank Genevieve enough for all she has done for me. The images speak for themselves. My husband who has really put so much time into my boobs and this show, I love you! Lisa, Jennifer and Michelle, all the work they have done on the pamphlets and poster, WOW you are all amazing. The Pascale's crew have been so accommodating and helpful, this is what a community should be doing. What a great place for a fund raiser! I hope you will still speak to me after this is over:)

Let's talk about tickets sales. Yes I have sold 400 tickets, does that mean that 400 people are coming?! NO NO NO! In those sales are ....
  • donation tickets , people in other states that wanted to support but will not be there
  • in honor of tickets, people who have lost their battle but need to be remembered
  • DONATIONS just people buying tickets for a donation purpose and won't be attending
  • people who now can not come or were never coming, just supporting, I have no time to check these off
  • people who won't show up even though they have a ticket, you know who you are:)

That being said, there will be bouncers at the door. My girls will be checking names, taking money, acknowledging survivors, and making sure we stay in accordance with Pascale's fire code. You need to buy or have a ticket to get in. They will have a counter to count people, just to make sure there is no confusion. And just like Shifty's on a busy night, when we hit max capacity you have to wait until someone else leaves before you can enter. Take a walk to Freedom of Espresso and have a cup of coffee then come back. I just ask that everyone be respectful and understanding of the bouncers at the door. They need to follow the rules, so do not blame them. It is worth the wait, right? REMEMBER this is an OPEN HOUSE from 4-7pm so that will help with traffic flow.

PARKING: both Decker's and Fred Astaire have offered their lots so no worries there.

Let's hope for a beautiful evening so we can use the patio. Please know, this is just a huge undertaking and while I want to say it will be smooth, I know that lumps always show up. With that we will take each one as it comes and look forward to making this an evening the Fayetteville Community can be proud of! I know I am proud of everyone involved and even more of the killer shoes I am going to wear!!
Posted on October 16, 2012 .