Some thought I could barely get 200 people at Pascale's, some thought that strangers wouldn't come, some thought they wouldn't drink (Pink Stilettos were sold!!), some thought NO ONE will come (OK the last one was me) but people came!!! So many friendly faces I wish I could have talked to all of you. Almost all my family (losers better come to the next one!), friends from Albany/Boston/Rochester seeing them made me so happy. People I have never met but am so thrilled to have now and survivors that all share a special connection. We estimate that close to 600 people came through Pascale's on Sunday, not all at once but at one point it was crowded. Everything went so fabulous, the staff at Pascale's is just incredible. Brian, the girls behind the bar, the extremely tall guy who made me feel dwarf-like, Deb and Neil you guys are all the bomb digity!! I hope that all of you who gave your email address use the $10 gift certificates because the food is incredible. My bouncers kept a tight watch on the door and did not let me down. The t-shirt crew held the back of the bar under control and even sold a TON of bracelets (my Sarah thanks so much sweetie). Nikki did her best to keep my lips nice and glossy. Tom maintained the crowd and even reminded me of some names I forgot, love that guy. Too bad MC was stuck in the back and doesn't know what the hell was going on! And then there is Genevieve...not sure what to say but she amazes me. I was so proud of the images she choose and stunned at how many. It is clear now how much they have helped me and now they have helped so many others who came through. My girlfriend Karen looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "I had no idea what you went through". YESSSS that is exactly what I wanted, the real side of stupid dumb breast cancer, drains, scars, pain, friends, family so much more than a pink ribbon.
I went to the bank and deposited the donations and tickets with such pride. We raised (after expenses like some prints, food) $10,876!!!! I am still getting and accepting donations for this event until the end of the month. So do not hesitate to write that check. This grand total will be divided between Stand up to Cancer and CNY Komen in Cure or Bust's name. Pretty friggin good for a little girl with stupid dumb breast cancer and an idea, right? The shirts and bracelets are still coming in because we have some shirts left over (going FAST!!) but that night we raised $1500, I want pictures of you people wearing those things!!!
I just want to point out that the Face Book page has 1354 likes. Every day more and more "LIKE" the page of course some little shits "unlike" it, wtf who unlikes a breast cancer page?? Insane I know, crazier is that people in Mexico, Argentina, England are all liking and talking about the posts. The blog has had OVER 50,000 views with audiences in Canada, Germany, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, Ukraine. I am blown away by these numbers and who I am reaching. I feel like this is such a huge movement. People want to see this real side to breast cancer. It tells me that I need to keep going with this, to infinity and beyond! Next is making Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer a non for profit, it is in the works people. Hard for me to sit still as much as my friends want me too:)
Thanks so much for riding this journey with me, I do not like being alone. I am looking into another show for those who could not attend. I will be posting the slide show too. Please join some of the events better yet ALL the events. Next one is "Stack for Racks" a poker tourney at Trapper's II in Minoa on November 5th, PLEASE let me know ASAP if you want in. I have so many ideas and events there is really something for everyone, no excuses! PLUS, I am sure you all will join my Race for the Cure team Cure or Bust. That race falls 1 year from when I started this fucking journey so I want a celebration to remember. Oh and I will play the "breast cancer" card for the next 10 years, Jen said I could!