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WEGO Day 28….Create a must follow list for your community on a single social network. Share your top 5-10 tweeters, blogs, or Facebook pages

OMG a list, OMG my favorite social media outlets, OMG my cyber friends!!!!!! This is a GREAT list. These are my ways of connecting with those who get it, these are my sisters and brothers of the web, Here is my list in no particular order and only a few of them

  1. Cécile is a survivor that uses images to not only tell her story but capture her mood. She is from the Netherlands and even though we have never spoke we have found much comfort in each other.
  2. Personal on Pinterest. Molly and her brother in law Noel have found a great outlet for woman that want to cover those scars yet embrace them at the same time. The page is all about ink (you know I love ink) and tattoos, it is meant to give ideas and show the brave woman behind them.
  3. Huff Post on Twitter and all the individuals who write for them. The articles are real, honest and do not hid behind a political agenda.The tweets give us the news and facts about real life issues not sensationalism
  4. Chris Dean we have no cancer connection, no children the same age, I do not believe she is a soccer mom or wears 6 inch heels but she cracks my sorry ass up!! She blogs in a life is funny way and I look forward to reading her blog every day.
  5. I Had Cancer yes I know stop shoving them down your throat. Cancer warriors have you gone there? Supporters have you? They are trying to connect those battling, surviving and those supporting through social media, the site is way easy to navigate and really hooks you up!
  6. The TuTu Project just because the man is wearing a pink TuTu for gods sake and that is funny, yet he is doing it to raise awareness and that is awesome!
  7. Me, Myself and Breast Cancer my warrior sister way over in Mexico is raising awareness with he FB page. Sometimes the posts have nothing to do with breast cancer and are just to make us smile. Laughter is the best medicine!
  8. Cancer Connects is there for all those needs of any cancer warrior. They provide insurance help and alternative therapy plus mentoring for those battling the beast. They are my local FAVORITE and I am thrilled to be their fund raising princess.
  9. Jenny Saldana is my latest favorite. I found her video months ago and tried to connect but couldn’t then Twitter hooked a girl up! Chick is funny as hell and is reaching woman in a hilarious manor. Can not wait to work with her!!
  10. Condescending Wonka ok totally inappropriate and nothing to do with health NOTHING. But I mean come on all this health crap, activist shit and cancer is hard on the mind. Sometimes you just have to lose your self in the ridiculous!
Posted on April 28, 2013 .