Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer: It just hit me you have breast cancer

I was all set to write a new post then I decided to read last year's one. So as I type I am crying. Yes I have come a LONGGGG way but to think about this time last year overwhelms me. The emotions, the anger, the fright comes all rushing back. When I say fright I mean like scared shit less could die not Freddy Kruger in the boiler room.  I will never forget that and I do not want to. I want to remember how I felt so I can help all those joining the club, this horrible loving supportive cancer club.

Last year this time I was stressing real stress as I prepared for surgery. I cannot believe it has been a year, it seems like yesterday…….

Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer: It just hit me you have breast cancer: Design by Margret Says my girlfriend who has been with me every step of the way, dumb ass DUH! You know when you need to be injected wit...
Posted on July 19, 2013 .